From the back of the book - " "Don't be silly," Trixie cried impatiently. "I'm not going to go far enough away to get lost." She darted off along the narrow path and, a few minutes later, found herself in another small clearing. There she came upon a scene that was so frightening she couldn't even scream. She just stood there, staring with horror, then turned and raced back to Honey..."
Finished Book 5 pretty quickly! I heart Mr Maypenny! He's only in for a few pages but he's teh awesome!
Everyone enjoys Celia and Tom's wedding (the Wheeler's maid and chauffeur) but afterwards a huge storm hits and blows down trees and power lines all around the neighbourhood. The mess is enough to make the Wheeler's gamekeeper quit (like he was doing a good job anyway) and a tree crashes through the Bob-Whites clubhouse!! None of the Bob-Whites have the money to repair the clubhouse except Brian but that money was supposed to buy his first car from Mr Lytell (the store owner) and if Mr Lytell doesn't get the money he'll sell the car to a used car dealer. Of course, Brian donates his money to the club, like the good man he is. The Bob-Whites consider taking on the job of gamekeeper until a new one can be found to earn money for Brian's car but that still won't stop Mr Lytell selling Brians car before they get paid. So Trixie comes up with a secret plan! She'll pretend she's fallen in love with Honey's cousin Ben Riker, who's visiting, so she can be girly enough for her dad not to suspect anything when she asks for the diamond ring that Jim gave to her (during book one, it had belonged to Jim's great-aunt and he gave it to Trixie because he figured she earned it with all the help she gave him) THEN she can use the ring as security to make Mr Lytell hold the car til the Bob-Whites get paid for game keeping.
So, Trixie's got to act like a young lady in love (totally against her tomboy nature) and in love with Ben Riker at that! (Ben's a douche bag practical joker) At the same time she's got to balance school, gamekeeping, finding out about Mr Maypenny the hermit, keeping people from realising the ring she's wearing is a fake she borrowed from Honey, keep herself from suffering the vengeance of Bobby when she loses his compass and help keep the boys free time free so they can work on the club house before another big storm hits. To top it all off, she and Honey are out patrolling the game preserve when they start finding evidence that there's poachers!!!
So, Ben Riker was introduced in book 2, as a little bit of a distraction at one of the boys camps to keep their visits from being too similar I think and now he's back and annoying the crap out of everyone, except Di, who seems to find him attractive and Bobby, who loves anyone, especially Ben who's as childish as the 6 year old is. Here we start seeing the underlying feelings Jim has for Trixie. It's not OBVIOUS but you can see the way he acts that he's upset at thinking Trixie likes Ben. Oh, Jim, she's not worth it! I'm here for you (when you age a few years at least)! lol
I was a little shocked at how truly mean to Trixie ALL of the boys were on several occasions in this book. I remember them picking on her but not this much, they really gave her hell quite a lot and she was so busy trying to do so much for everyone without wanting to take credit for it that I thought they were being dicks, Jim and Brian in particular. you kind of expect Mart to tease her but Brian and Jim were a bit over the top and past teasing and onto meanness in my opinion.
So... next up I'm onto the Mystery in Arizona, which is the last of the books by the original author, so after I finish it and blog about it I might take a quick break to give a blog some general Trixie thoughts before I dive into book 7
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