From the back of the book - " "We'd better get out of here in a hurry," Jim said. Trixie nodded, unable to say anything. A rush and a roar of water followed the collapse of the bridge. About fifty of seventy-five feet from them, water swirled angrily. Big tree branches floated by out in the current, the the bloated body of a cow, and half a dozen chickens. "Turn the car around as fast as you can," Honey urged, terrified. "Oh, you can't turn around, Jim! There isn't any road anymore!"..."
Book 9 leaps right into it with the Bob-Whites (sans Dan but more on that later) about to touch down in Des Moines (I won't tell you how I used to pronounce that when I was a kid), Iowa to visit the sheep farm of the Belden's Uncle Andrew. Uncle Andrew is obviously the rich one in the Belden family, with his farm, paying for all the Bob-Whites to visit, flying off to Scotland and I seem to remember that the Bob-White Cave book they're visiting his hunting lodge!
Anyway, Trixie has a mystery to look into straight away, sheep have mysteriously been disappearing from the farm. First she suspects Mr Schulz, the neighbour, then Ben the hired hand. Her suspicions are proving very wrong until the Bob-Whites are invited to a BBQ at the local high school by Ned Schulz (the handsome neighbour about their age). There the Bob-Whites are served lamb that Trixie suspects is stolen! But she's quickly distracted by a pretty girl named Dot who seems to be hanging off Jim's every word and Trixie gets jealous.
Later, back on the case Trixie decides that the theives are hiding out in the nearby Walnut Woods but no one believes her. The Bob-Whites are soon to leave for hime so Trixie convinces Honey and Jim to go for a ride to the woods to check it out and there they wind up in big trouble as the river floods and takes out a bridge. The car they are in is quickly swallowed by the flood but luckily the trio manages to escape on a boat that was tied to the roof of the car.
During the night that follows the three manage to rescue a small puppy and end up marooned on the roof of a barn. They yell themselves so hoarse that when they see a rescue boat nearby they can't get it's attention but luckily Trixie uses the clubs Bob-White whistle and MArt, in the boat hears it and rescues them.
The thieves were also trapped by the flood and with a little quick extra work Trixie finds proof of their thefts and they are locked away for their crimes! Another mystery solved by the Belden-Wheeler detective agency :)
This is one of my all time favourite Trixie books. I remember loving the awesomeness of the flood scene, it truly was scary when I was a kid!
Ned Schulz and his friends Bob and Barbara Hubbel first appear in this book and then turn up again for a visit to New York with the Bob-Whites in book 12.
Poor Dan, he only arrived int he last book and already he's being pushed aside and ignored :( Also, kinda weird- We know Mart is 14 and that in book 8 he is asked to show Dan around as they're in the same class so you'd assume Dan is 14, 15 at the most. Jim is 15 and Brian 16 and are in the same year as Jim did two years in one at his old school. This book the whole reason Dan can't come is because he's too busy studying because otherwise he'll fail and he wants to stay in the same class as Jim and Brian! Continuity problem!!!! (this is what happens when multiple authors write for the same series without checking all their facts).
Also, this writer makes Di out to be a whingey, whiney, scaredy cat cow. Stupid writer! I loves Di, make her better!!!!!!!!
The school dance solidifies Trixie's relationship with Jim a bit more, she getting jealous of him, he getting jealous of the attention Ned pays her. Jim even goes so far at the end of the book to buy Trixie an ID bracelet with his name on it cos she's his "special girl". Awwwwww!
Also, I think Ned's gay. He says he has no interest in girls and the only one he does show interest in is Trixie, cos she's such a tomboy. and then Trixie thinks (and I quote) "He's just about the queerest boy I ever met". Lol, ah, simpler times when words like gay, queer and fairy meant something else entirely :)
One last thing. Last book all the Bob-Whites were such awesome ice skaters and they're always great at riding and swimming and this book they're superstar basketballers. COME ON! Not everyone is that perfect! Oh well, just makes me want to be more like them I guess (only with less exercise and more hot lovin)
Next up we're onto The Marshland Mystery, which I don't really remember at all :)
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