From the back of the book - " "The rudder's broken. It's lucky we didn't tear a big hole in the bottom of the boat!" Trixie sensed a note of anxiety in Peter's voice. "Someone will be coming along soon who will give us a tow, although there aren't many boats out this early in the season." The minutes ticked away without and sign of helping showing up. The disabled sailboat was being carried down the bay, and, as the all realized, out to seas..."
This time Trixie and the Bob-Whites have been invited by the Wheeler's to spend 10 days at the holiday house they rented on Cobbett's Island. Once again, poor Dan misses out on going. This time it's because he has gotten a job at a summer camp. BUT! Di gets to come along and she isn't whineybitchDi, she's actually fun, useful, calm Di which I love. She does go a bit girly for the new friend they make, batting her eyelashes at him and such.
Anyway, their arrival at the island is marred by a severe storm so the Bob-Whites stay inside, exploring the houses library. In one of the books they find an old letter that has a cryptic clue to the start of an adventure that will lead to $1000!!! With the help of their new friend, Peter, the Bob-Whites soon solve the clue and have found the treasure map that will eventually lead them to the loot but the landmarks etc on the map don't seem to make sense. While hunting the treasure the Bob-Whites manage to go boating (Trixie and Jim turn out to be born sailors and help Petter win a race, despite never having sailed before), attend a clam bake, help with a charity luncheon and Trixie and Jim even dress up as ruffians and attend a dive of a place to try tracking down some vandals. Even with all of this the Bob-Whites manage to solve the mystery, JUST IN TIME (as always) and find the loot. Which they then give to the widow and son of the writer of the original letter, AWWWW!!!
The way Honey feels for Brian is obvious, once again in this book and by the end of it you're wanting to beat Jim up for not giving Trixie a kiss. While Mart does seem a little jealous of Di's attraction to Peter there's nothing said to really make you think these two really care for each other as anything more than friends.
Once again the Bob-Whites prove to be totally awesome at everything they do, which can get kinda annoying when they're expert horse riders, sailors, swimmers, cavers, basketballers, harmonica players etc, it's like there's nothing they're no good at! (except maybe school and house work in Trixie's case)
The basic premise of this book - Trixie finds a clue to an old, unsolved mystery that leads to treasure - is used often in the series and is probably my favourite of the basic premises. It's always more fun when they're all treasure hunting rather than tracking down criminals. The Vandals/bad guys in this book feel kinda tacked on to add an extra little bit of excitement but really aren't necessary (IMHO).
Next up is the Mystery of the Emeralds, if I remember rightly, it's another with the forumla of "Trixie finds a clue to an old, unsolved mystery" and another book I really remember enjoying. :)
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