From the back of the book - "Trixie gripped Honey's arm and held her back. "Look at the window!" she said in a strange voice. Honey looked and felt a little shiver go down her spine. A bony little hand was gesturing from between the curtains of the window next to the door. And, quite unmistakably, the hand was warning them to go..."
So this time around Trixie and and the gang have to put up with a violin prodigy, deal with her running away, her strict aunt, a nosy newspaper reporter who's out to cause trouble and help out a kindly old lady who is being forced out her house by the council and Trixie feels responsible.
This book took me several days to read as it seemed to just drag on and on with nothing really happening. Then I finally got to the end and it seemed as if someone had rushed the ending to fit in a small a space as possible. I feel like this is one of my least favourite of the books and am quite annoyed with how boring it was and how hacked together the ending felt.
Dan and Di once again get short shrift. Dan barely gets a mention, even at a meeting of the Bob-Whites that he supposedly attends he get glossed over, AFTER the fact he gets a mention but thats it.
The character of Gaye, the young violin player is annoying and you find yourself wishing she'd just drown in the marsh.
Seriously I can't even think what else to say about this book it's that much of a disappointment, no wonder I couldn't remember any of it before I started.
Next up, we're off to Bob-White Cave in the Ozarks to hunt blind cave fish, one of my favourite books :)
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