From the back of the book - "Heavy feet mounted the steps... nearer... nearer... nearer. A key was inserted into the lock. it opened, and a man's bulk filled it. The morning light shone full on his sneering, wicked face. "Still alive are you?" he said, grinning maliciously. Trixie looked hopelessly into Honey's eyes. It may be the last time I'll ever see her, she thought. The last time I ever see anyone I love."
Yay, finally got through it!!! (told you I was still reading and doing this blog!)
Well, this one wasn't up to the standard of the others, unfortunately. Fresh back from their trips to New York, Cobbet's Island and Virginia the Bob-Whites are off to travel down the Mississippi in Huck Finn country. Somehow Trixie decides there's a mystery in some papers she finds and amongst running up and down the river and everywhere the Bob-Whites end up with Trixie and Honey being kidnapped by arms dealers. Mart spends the entire book whining about how he's not getting to do the things he wants, even though he ends up getting to do most of them, Honey makes best friends with the villains and Brian and Jim do nothing except occasionally drive. The only redeeming feature of this book is that Dan's in it. Unfortunately Di is off somewhere else this time.
No wonder I don't remember reading this book, it was pretty terrible. There were a couple of ideas (like the map and it's "cryptograms") that could have been great but the book was too disjointed and didn't really do enough to suck the reader in. Poor Trixie, having an adventure like this to her name :(
Next up, two of my favourites, the Missing Heiress, which brings back Jonesy (Jim's evil stepfather) and gives Jim an actual living blood relative and then Uninvited Guest, with Haley and a wedding, I can't wait to get reading!!
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