From the back of the book - "The heavy front door closed solidly behind Trixie... The long corridor that ran past thew stairway was dark and gloomy-looking, and the stillness of the old building made Trixie feel she should walk softly... She had almost reached the stairs when she saw the door directly across the stairway open slowly. A tall man backed out into the hall and soundlessly closed the door. Turning, he saw Trixie..."
This time Trixie and the gang decide that they'd like to help pay for the town halls weather vane to be re-coppered and decide they'll host a walkathon. before they can really get their plans rolling Hoppy (the grasshopper weather vane) is stolen from his home on top of town hall, where he's lived for over a hundred years! And then the extensive and very expensive coin collection in the care of their new social studies teacher, Miss Lawler, disappears. With Trixie and her friends on the case you know that things will all work out in the end :)
Another book that's a bit of fun and by the end you think that maybe a huge brass grasshopper could be kinda cute. The scene where it is revealed Bobby has been taking riding lessons on a shetland pony was adorable and I LOVED Trixie for staying behind and taking him riding with her. Bobby's riding and his new treehouse play a role in helping Trixie find where the grasshopper was hidden and then there's the St Louis songs on the radio which were the only thing I really remembered, they were used by the criminals as signals.
I really powered through this book in quick time because it really flowed well, one thing led to another to another so there really wasn't any "slack time" that made me want to put it down. While I didn't find this book up to the standards of some of the others I still enjoyed it. Dan and Di took a serious background once again this time and Mart's polysyllabic vocabulary really went into overdrive, there were a number of words even I didn't understand as a 30 year old! neither Brian nor Jim really did too much this time around, both were really just there as chauffeurs, poor guys. It's interesting to note that they've been back at school for a couple of weeks, meaning that chronologically this book is set about a year after book 4. From here on out I think the books get a bit muddled, time-wise and no one progresses to age any further.
Next book on the list is The Secret of the Unseen Treasure. I remember nothing about it, we'll have to see how it goes. See you here for that soon :)
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